Andy Warhol – Room 222 by ‘Les Paul’s’ (The Paul’s) from our new and 21st album The Chelsea Hotel#1.
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Andy Warhol – Room 222
Warhol, Warhol
Born in Pittsburgh as the darkness set in
At school the children laughed at him coz of his blotchy skin
He never was able to be totally at ease
All he could do was to try his best to please

He hid behind insecurity’s closed door
He covered his head to hide some more
Down in the lobby people would come and go
All talking about Warhol, Warhol

Andy’s folks came from near where the Zimmerman’s came
But Bob never did like that ‘pop art’ that brought Andy fame
Andy gave Bob Elvis with that stare
Bob went and changed it for Albert’s chair
(Could have been Albert’s old sofa, don’t matter which
We all make mistakes, ain’t life a bitch)

He stole Patricia’s hibiscus flowers
And in the early morning hours
Down in the lobby people’s come and go
All talking about Warhol, Warhol

At The Chelsea, Andy filmed his ‘Chelsea Girls’
They were seen all around the world
Eddie was Andy’s silver screen star
But she couldn’t hide her inner hurt and scars

I met Andy with Jed in 71
All the way from The Chelsea to Camden they’d come
Andy’s smile and warm eyes I’ll never forget
He was the kindest star I’d ever met

Andy tried to frame a time in space
With tins of soup and Marilyn’s face
Down in the lobby people’d come and go
All talking about Warhol, Warhol, Warhol

Andy died in hospital where he didn’t wanna be
The operation was supposed to be routine
His fans outside they prayed for hope
But he left in his sleep and never awoke

Valerie had shot him in 68
He survived and all thought that heaven can wait
But it caught up with him in 87
He died without making his final confession

We came with nothing and will return with nothing
In the half-deserted streets hear them mutt’ring
Muttering as they come and they go
Muttering about the late Andy Warhol, Andy Warhol

And The Factory has now long gone
Most of the people have flown up to the Sun
And these memories of those long past years
Help me smile through the heartache and tears
The heartache and tears, the heartache and tears
Warhol, Warhol

Andy opened doors and helped the repressed be free
To help them express their hidden sexuality
Now different genders all freely come and go
All thankful to Andy Warhol
Now different genders all freely come and go
All thankful to Andy Warhol

Today people google and they scroll
Finding out all about Warhol
Today people google and they scroll
Finding out all about Andy Warhol, Warhol

Music composed and performed by Paul Odiase BMI No. 1252265 (Switzerland)
Song lyrics by Paul Robert Thomas PRS No. 497904008 (London)
PRS Tunecodes 645220KT / 637534CN

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