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Hair Like Bob Dylan by Ron Gallagher
Download links:-
On Bandcamp HERE
On Spotify HERE
Hair Like Bob Dylan lyrics
I wish that I had hair just like Bobby Dylan
Maybe then the world would be willing
To listen to my song
We shall overcome
The ones who rule by fear
Leaving for too long our freedoms to be squandering
I have a dream one day truth and justice will prevail
The winds of hope and love will fill each sail
When we let freedom ring
In every song we sing
Together we can bring
A world where all Gods children live in harmony
I wish that I had hair just like Bobby Dylan
Just maybe then you would be willing
To make a stand and sing with me
A brotherhood in symphony
Jangling discords turn to be
A world where all Gods children live in harmony
© 2009-2021 Ron Gallagher
PRS Tunecode 476939AM
IRSC QZK6F2188372
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