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Dylan Song by Matt Buonincontro
Download links:-
On Bandcamp HERE
On Spotify HERE
“Matt Buonincontro is a retired singer songwriter currently living in Pennsylvania. His work belongs to an older tradition of American folk and folk rock.
“Dylan Song” was written in 1996, while Buonincontro was living and performing in Portland, Oregon. The song pays tribute to America’s foremost songwriter, celebrating his restive, uncompromising spirit.”
Dylan Song lyrics
To the west of the lakes
He was raised,
On the salt mines.
To be the poet of his times
He was praised
By the wounded.

He was the captain of that crew;
By heart the captain Bob they knew.
And every storm he led em’ to,
Another truth he led em’ through.

Always standing tall
With those hard words and all,
Always making small
the greatest ocean.

Heading left down the coast
He would boast
Of the red tide.
A sickness in the mind,
He thought he saw a ghost,
In the twilight.

To him alone the shape did swoon;
To it alone he fixed the tune.
Into his type he poured the gloom
He read in ink of headline doom.

About the motherland,
He gathered in his hand
The stones from the deepest of her oceans.
About the motherland,
He gathered in his hand
The stones from the deepest of her oceans.

May you ride, may you ride,
May the wind forever fill your sail.
May you never catch the whale,
The one you look to find,
In these waters.

And may you follow far the sun,
And may you live for what’s begun.
May you always hear the drum
And recognize what we’ve become.

And may you always stay
As restless in the grave
Ahead of every wave upon the ocean.
And may you always stay
As restless in the grave
Ahead of every wave upon the ocean

Matt Buonincontro
PRS Tunecode 477099EW
ISRC QZK6F2188367

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