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Dylan Dreams by Bruce Dunn
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On Bandcamp HERE
On Spotify HERE
‘In 1993 I had a rehearsal studio in L.A. I picked up a Dylan song book and started to read the lyrics page after page of lyrics and the thought ran through my head “What does he see when he dreams?” That was the foundation for my song “Dylan Dreams” I took a Dylan line then I would write a line and it just came together.‘ – Bruce Dunn
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Dylan Dreams lyrics
A drunken blonde in a costume of a monk
Was the chauffeur for the wolfman who ain’t nothin but a punk
The shoeless undertaker looks at the body like a prize
Wonders how the soul escapes when a fat man dies
What does it mean, what could it be
Could this be the way that Dylan dreams
A one-eyed man passes in flash while a neon whore
Demands I pay in cash
The poor little actress is back in bed
Is what they mean by getting ahead
What does it mean, what could it be
Could this be the way that Dylan dreams
Meanwhile out on Grand Street the gun fighter
Fighting everyone one he meets
The poor dumb soldier climbs upon you spirit
While the savage politicians just don’t want to hear it
What’s it mean, what could it be
Could this be the way that Dylan dreams
What does it mean, what could it be what does it mean
Could this be the way that Dylan dreams
Sheet metal memories of cannery role
A magazine husband who just had to go
Blowin the eye of a hurricane
The well-dressed criminals had someone to blame
What does it mean, what could it be What does it mean
Could this just be the way that Dylan dreams
Short black skirt with assassins eyes
Napoleon in rags getting cut to size
I don’t want to make a mistake
Mister Jinks and Miss Lucy just jumped in a lake
What does it mean, what could it be
Could this be the way that Dylan dreams
What does it mean, what could it be
Could this be the way that Dylan dreams
What does it mean, what could it be
Could this be the way that Dylan dreams
Bruce Dunn
PRS Tunecode 477099EC
ISRC QZK6F2188365
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