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The album’s 11th and darkest track on the album, echoes’ every parent’s fear in Who’s Watching the Kids? The song’s title has a double entendre in asking which parent is watching the kids and also which stranger is watching the kids, although in 90% of cases to child knows the perpetrator, thus mirroring the seemingly constant tide of reported current and historical child abuse committed by perpetrators in all walks of life from celebrities, priests, police officers to organized gangs and of the lower percentage of dark figures hiding on the internet in chat rooms slowly grooming their innocent victims and all seemingly operating with almost no fear of getting caught in a broken down society where the victim is often treated as the guilty party in court in a judicial system where the government orders judges to send fewer people to jail as the jails are full to capacity and overflowing, instead of building more jails to house the convicted criminals, the guilty are more often than not given suspended sentences or lower than the maximum jail sentences in order to comply with the government’s politically motivated direction thereby allowing these child abusers to soon be free again to commit their abuses against children, if society isn’t protecting the children and society has broken down with many parents unable to influence or control their children too young and innocent to realize the dangers out there, just Who’s Watching The Kids?
You can also listen to the entire album England, Once My England on Soundcloud HERE and on Bandcamp HERE.
Join ‘Les Paul’s’ (The Paul’s) on Facebook HERE and on Reverbnation HERE and on Bandcamp HERE.
Who’s Watching the Kids? Lyrics
I’m trying to lift off the lid
Coz can you tell me
Can you tell me
Just who’s watching the kids?
Smoke in the Holy Room
So thick, It’s getting hard to breathe
He’s turning in His tomb
My God they’re blaming Adam and Eve
Their whispering secrets En masse
Chanting favourite hymns
Everyone’s taking bets
How soon we’ll be asked to forgive their sins
The Captain seems drunk
Or just scared to open up the trunk
They’re trying to keep it all hid
But can you tell me
Can you tell me
Can you tell me
Can you tell me
Just who’s watching the kids?
Criminals walk the streets
In jeans and in smart shirts and ties
Their cravings never cease
I mean, I just can’t understand why?
They don’t care who gets hurt
They don’t give it a second thought
They’ll never admit it
They won’t, if by chance they get caught
That know that jail’s no risk
The judge will just slap them on the wrist
Who’s watching the kids?
Who’s watching the kids?
Pop stars and DJ’s
Do get caught, and end up in jail
Some are happy, to find
Adoring males, adoring males
They’re encountered in rooms
Patiently getting groomed
As they’re taken control
Manipulated, and segregated
Fulfilling a role
They don’t feel danger
Coz they’re not strangers
Chatting every day
They’re as sly as a fox
Trapping them in a box
Nothing gets in their way
Don’t let it happen to your kids
Oh God forbid, God forbid
God forbid, God forbid, God forbid
Oh Lord protect our kids
Who’s watching the kids?
Protect our kids
Who’s watching the kids?
Protect our kids
Who’s watching the kids?
Protect our kids
Who’s watching the kids?
Who’s watching the kids?
Who’s watching the kids?
Who’s watching the kids?
Music composed and performed by Paul Odiase BMI No. 1252265 (Switzerland)
Song lyrics by Paul Robert Thomas PRS No. 497904008 (London)
PRS Tunecode 385470EM
ISRC QZK6P1990253
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