Click on the ‘Play’ button above to the hear the song as you read the lyrics (please wait for it to load). Alternatively, you can listen to the track on Soundcloud HERE and download on Bandcamp HERE and on Spotify HERE
The album’s 10th track, This Dragon’s on Fire written by Paul the lyricist who is half-Welsh, tells of the English exploitation of Wales and its people, of Welsh men used to fight in the English wars, of coal mines shut down and unemployment rife in the valleys where the great Welsh choirs of old no longer sing, of the English taking their water resources and of the English Prince Charles becoming Prince of Wales.
You can listen to the entire album England, Once My England on Soundcloud HERE and on Bandcamp HERE.
Join ‘Les Paul’s’ (The Paul’s) on Facebook HERE and on Reverbnation HERE and on Bandcamp HERE.
This Dragon’s On Fire Lyrics
The green valleys lakes and harbours
On this is the land of my fathers
Always was and will always be
I was born here and here I’ll die
And no matter how hard you try
You’ll never take this land from me
There’s silence in the valleys
Unemployment in the alleys
The choirs don’t sing their song
Give us back all that you took
Re-write the history books
To tell what you did was wrong
Watch out this dragon’s spitting fire
Fire, fire
This dragon’s spitting fire
And the flames are getting higher
From this dragon spitting fire
You took our boys for your wars
And they died there for your cause
To feed your thirst for land and blood
The ghosts of Abervan haunt me
Like no others can
Our future buried in the black mud
You let us make you money
I guess it’s kind of funny
That whatever we have you take
You came and stole our water
You corrupted our daughters
Our patience’s not a bottomless lake
Watch out this dragon’s spitting fire
Fire, fire
This dragon’s spitting fire
Flames are getting higher
From this dragon spitting fire
This dragon’s spitting fire
On all those thieving liars
Who’ve raped our land for so long
They can’t rob our identity
Through their legal obscenity
They may think we’re weak but inside we’re strong
The cheating Prince came to town
Dressed in jewels and fancy crown
On a day trip away from the smog
His Mother gave him another name
But everything remained the same
They fed caviar to her Corgi dogs
Can you understand the situation
This is the re-birth of a nation
That’s broken your shackles and chains
Don’t believe in your ‘Hope or glory’
Just another of George’s stories
His empty words are all that remain
Watch out this dragon’s spitting fire
Fire, fire
This dragon’s spitting fire
Flames are getting higher
From this dragon spitting fire
Music composed and performed by Paul Odiase BMI No. 1252265 (Switzerland)
Song lyrics by Paul Robert Thomas PRS No. 497904008 (London)
PRS Tunecode 155113KN
ISRC QZK6P1990252
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