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From the album Another Country Boy by Paul Robert Thomas
download Letter To Mama on Bandcamp HERE and the album Another Country Boy on Bandcamp HERE and at all download stores HERE
Letter To Mama lyrics
Send this letter to mama to tell her where I am
I’ll write my words clear so she will understand

I got into a bar room brawl
But I didn’t start it at all
I was just defending your name
And the place from where I came

They threw me in jail and locked the door
Been here for seven days but don’t know what for?
They stole my boots and my wrangler jeans
And said they’d take the gold from my teeth after the hangman’s been

Oh mama you got to come and post my bail
For how long must I stay in this cold dark jail?

Why does life have to be so hard?
They’re building gallows outside in the yard
I asked the guard, “Is that for me’?
He laughed and said ‘Well, there’s no-one else here that I can see’!

‘We like to see strangers hanging around
So that other strangers won’t come into our town
They ride into town like hotshots feeling big
But in the end they all squeal just like pigs’

Oh mama you got to come and post my bail
For how long can I stay in this cold dark jail?

He said ‘Can see you’re not from around here
All wanting our friendship and drinking our southern brewed beer
With your shiny boots and smooth clean hands
We work in the dirt to get what we can from this land’

I said ‘But no judge has heard my plea’
He said ‘You’re a stranger, you’ve been found guilty’
‘But guilty of what’ said I?
‘Of whatever we care to decide’!

Oh mama you got to come and post my bail
For how long can I survive in this cold dark jail?
Come and deliver me from this evil place
How I long to see your sweet good face
Oh mama you got to come and post my bail
For how long can I survive in this cold dark jail?

I gave the guard my letter that I wrote in this cell
Will he send it, will I survive, only time will tell
Only time will tell, only time will tell, time will tell

Paul Robert Thomas

from Another Country Boy, released March 14, 2025
production and lyrics by Paul Robert Thomas

all rights reserved

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